Monday 9 September 2013

Highclere Castle

What better plans on a dreary raining day than to storm a castle! Or...erhm, well, maybe go visit one nearby after politely paying admittance. Highclere Castle so close to where I live yet in the two years I've lived in Berkshire, I have only just recently visited. So many castles to storm, so little time....

The castle and grounds were the setting in season one of the world famous Downton Abbey. Eat your heart out fans. (I should really try to watch one of these episodes).

I couldn't begin to tell you how massive this house is.; only that it took better than an hour to see the parts of the castle tourists are permitted to peruse. It is a country house in Jacobeathan style with over 1,000 acres to run. (I wouldn't mind a country house like this). I gave up counting all the bedrooms...who really needs that many?!?!? That's not to say, I didn't fantasize about a fun game of hide and seek throughout the manor (too bad it was frowned upon)...but wouldn't it be cool??


I learned Lady Almina of the house opened up the castle to wounded British soldiers during the First World War and the bedrooms were used as rooms for those in need of hospital care.   They were carted all the way from Southampton (37 miles away) across bumpy dirt roads until they reached "Highclere Hospital" where the lady's footmen would care for the wounded soldiers. During the Second World War, the Castle briefly became a home for evacuee children from north London.

Put your camera away folks and take mental pictures, there is no photography allowed inside the castle. That I'm okay with, but how about a lovely game of hide and seek? Who's game? Some of the wardrobes in those rooms look like they could lead us to Narnia. I'm in!