Saturday 31 May 2014


Okay, so I get that this blog is known as Adventures in the UK and this post is about Holland (clearly not in the UK unless your geography is as poor as my friend JD' already know that) but as I'm having these adventures whilst living in the UK; I thought it suitable enough to add.

Reviews from Amsterdam:

Sunday 11 May 2014

Stormin' the Castle

Perhaps storm at the castle is a better description of the trip to Warwick castle experienced. Round about tea time a hail storm moved upon the castle but didn't dampen our spirits. This was apparently very odd weather for England, so onward men! 

Warwick Castle is a medieval castle developed from an original built by William the Conqueror in 914 A.D. and is situated on a bend of the River Avon in Warwickshire. The castle and grounds have now been open to tourists which flock there in great numbers. Are you ready for Dungeons and Dragons? Warwick has both. Just purchase tickets at the door upon arrival.

 The dungeon tour is just under an hour and well worth it. It's not for the faint of heart, or those with epilepsy or expectant one wants to deliver a baby in the dark, dank prisons. Interact with the actors and actresses as they tell you of all the gory details down in the depths of the dungeon.

Seek out Merlin in the Dragon Tower. But don't be late or your tour guide will start without you! Be transported to the heart of Camelot to discover the secrets that are hidden deep inside the Tower before your encounter with the Great Dragon himself. 

Not up for the additional costs? No worries, there is plenty of free stuff to see once inside the castle. Watch the world's largest working trebuchet launch REAL fireballs! Wander around the courtyard seeking out the flocks of peacocks. Or perhaps you've always wanted to fly a bird? If falconry is your thing, then catch the Flight of the Eagles show (every day from 5th April). If quiet is more your style, check out the 64 acres of landscaped gardens ie. The Peacock and Rose gardens. Wander through the Great Hall and lavish stately rooms.

Climb the 500 steps that walk you around the castle walls to the highest towers of the castle! Enjoy overlooking the city of Warwick from the castle top. (Be mindful the castle walls are closed during the falconry show- as those birds fly to the tops of the towers).

Still haven't had enough? Right. What's a castle trip with out a jousting match? Go down to the Pageant fields to watch silly boys on horseback with sticks running at each other at full speed.
(“It's called a lance ...Hellooo”-A Knight's Tale).
Hear the thunder of hooves and the crack of the lance as the UK's fastest and most skilled brave knights battle live every day in the summer from mid- July to 31st of August.

Bow man shows everyday. Try your luck with arrows and fire a real bow along the outer walls.

Too much to squeeze into one day or perhaps you want to stay longer? Only kings and queens get to live in the castle all peasants must camp outside the walls. Extend your adventure with Medieval Glamping, the tents are huge!

Whatever you're into, there's bound to be a little something for everyone. This year the castle celebrates it's 1100th Anniversary and they are certainly celebrating! Go and join in on the fun!