Tuesday 13 February 2018

Fastnacht Day

Shrove Tuesday, Fat Tuesday, Mardi Gras, Donut Day, whatever you want to call it...

the day before Ash Wednesday is something different to everyone depending where in the world you are living but all means the same thing. Party, party! Eat, eat! Pig out before fasting for Lent. (Just so you know I'm still eating donuts after Lent).

Pennsylvania Dutch from America fry donuts and call this day, Fastnacht Day. In German meaning the Night Fast. Mmmmm...donughnuts (I miss Pennsylvania for their baked goods but now I realise why in fact it is called "Fat" Tuesday. Who cares? Bring on the Krispy Kremes and my double chin).

In southern US, places such as New Orleans ("Nar-lins" if you're pronouncing it like a local), they celebrate Mardi Gras with large, colourful parades and people dress up like brightly coloured peacocks strutting down the roads. Beaded necklaces are distributed throughout the crowds watching and participating on this Shrove Tuesday event. Yes, America likes to do things differently.

Meanwhile in Europe, they call this day Pancake Day (but then eat crepes... say whaaaa?!?!?  *scratches head*  They still need teaching in how to do big fluffy pancakes with maple syrup). Back to the crepes, ahem I mean "pancakes". English people will put just about ANYTHING on pancakes. Seriously. Nutella,  bananas, strawberries, chocolate, or sugar and lemon juice. I bet the Canadians are thinking, "You monsters! Where art thou maple syrup?!?!?"

It's at this point I would like to add that whilst we Americans call these sweet treats, dessert; the Brits call all dessert dishes, pudding. In case you weren't confused enough with their lingo. So how about it? What is your choice of fattening?