Friday 13 July 2012

Basildon Park

Cruising 30 minutes west of Reading you will come to a National Trust landmark known as Basildon Park (this is pronounced "Baaaz-zil done" Park for those who want to hear it with an English accent :-P). On the park grounds you will find a rather stately home that was built somewhere near 1776-83 (for those Americans--that would be the year we gained our Independence from England). How is that for your history lesson for the day? HA! The grounds are green and lush and from the front view of the house you can see cows in the pastures. The house has marvelous wrap around staircases and is frequently used as a wedding venue. This park was part of the film set for Pride and Prejudice (the one featuring Keira Knightley)...
The house contains several bedrooms (I lost count after 6 or so) and even more bathrooms (how many bathrooms does one need???) and those bathrooms have big fluffy chairs in them with HUGE vanities...I felt like a princess in a fortress. :) :) :)

There were plenty of sitting rooms, drawing rooms and my favourite, the libraries ---with books filled to the ceiling!!! Now tell me I don't feel like the Beauty of the Beast's castle. (I didn't want to leave the library...practically dragged me out of it)! Oh and I can't forget to mention the pianos in the rooms. Magnificent!! (and yes, I did get to play one of them, however I'm not sure I did Beethoven any justice).

The bedrooms were exquisite each having stunning beds, I just wanted to take a running leap into them. :-)
The wardrobes in the rooms were so spacious, one having been filled with fur coats..I pondered climbing  into the back of it to discover Narnia. 

As we moved back down the spiraling staircases, we made our way to the kitchen which was redone in the 1950s style. I imagine growing up in this house would've been amazing to play hide-and-seek. I alone tried out a secret hiding spot in the giant kitchen cupboards! And let's not forget the divine dining room. Who's for tea?

Basildon Park is a great place for a country stroll or cream tea party. What ever the occasion, it's sure to be such fun!

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Summer Olympics 2012

Wahoo the United Kingdom is gearing up to celebrate the 2012 Summer Olympics! With the Olympic Torch running from town to town, the games are just around the corner. The torch came to Reading today and my friends and I waited excitedly on the official route. Street vendors sold tacky Union Jack flags (yes, I bought one) whilst calling out "One poun, one poun", (inside joke) up and down the streets. I did not however, buy the Union Jack hats or fake gold medals (I believe that is pushing it a wee bit). We picked the perfect location to wait, right in front of us the torch was passed to the next relay runner.  C-O-O-L-! Later I got to meet one of the torch runners and she even let me hold the torch..... how exciting!!!

I've never been to the Olympics in the US, but hoping to see bits of it here in the UK. My friends and I made the local newspaper as well with our pretty selves posing for a picture in the Reading Chronicle (I hope I look OK in the photo the journalist took). He asked where we came from...and such an odd lot he picked because one of us is from Australia, the other from South Africa and me of course from the USofA. Looking forward to the Summer Olympics and some more adventures!