Tuesday 8 January 2013


Family trip to Windsor (more to come this is just a taster)

We visit St. George’s cathedral--utterly massive-- and poke around watching all the “tourists” with those silly little headphones on (you know what I’m talking about if you’ve even been through a tour in an English museum or such). We wander through the church looking at all the buried dead dudes until we come to the front of the cathedral where there are tall book stands neatly arranged in a row. To which my cousin points and says, “Is that where the orchestra sits?”

“Do you perhaps mean the choir?” I correct.

She giggles. I laugh hysterically in an otherwise quiet church shaking uncontrollably because

A) she’s 20-something and she’s just referred to the church choir as an Orchestra
B) I can’t help laughing out loud because I know we’re are supposed to be quiet (the tour guide gives me a stern look of disapproval) and it makes me want to laugh even more (tears are pouring out of my eyes from laughing so hard)
C) I have a memory of my mother telling my father she wants to see the Nutcracker “Opera”--to this day we still do not let her live that one down!

Apparently this sort of mix up is hereditary. We carry on. Me with my short attention span and my cousin with her attraction to the sun, decide we had enough of a musty old cathedral and find the nearest exit, but not before getting a wee bit lost in the church (to which we have become infamous for these days--don’t ask about the pub in London. That’s a story for another time). We manage to find the “outside” and it’s a lovely sunny day  (which doesn’t happen often in England) so we use the rest of the afternoon to dawdle around the castle and see the architecture.

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