Sunday 24 March 2013


Two 40 minute sessions watching men tackle one another is enough for me.  My father played Rugby when he was a younger man and I, having been in England for so long, figured it was time to see what all the fuss was about.

My first game was the London Irish v. Worcester Warriors --Score 26-6 poor defeated Warriors. Anyway, it might as well have been the coldest, snowiest Rugby game of the season as well, which didn't help me enjoy it any more.

We arrrived at the stadium for the pre-party in the car park with a band stand (a proper one; not those rinky dinky little ones you find in parks the English call bandstands--those are gazebos people) and a live band. Surrounding us were plenty of food vendors all serving fish and chips or burgers. Why do we need 5 of the same burger vendors?!?!? Carrying on....

I'm not sure if this occurs at all the Rugby matches or just because this one happened to be near St Paddy's day, but there was quite the atmosphere in the car park. In American football (I'm going to use this game to reference a lot during Rugby), people "tail gate" before a game in the parking lot. So I'm wondering if this is the "English" version.

In to the stadium, the game starts. I can't explain the rules, but here is what I did learn. If you have the ball (which is shaped almost like a football), you're going to get tackled or beaten or both until you give it up. I don't see how there aren't more penalties in this game.....(*note: a penalty kick is worth 3 points--see, I did learn something). If you run the ball into the "end zone" you earn your team 5 points and another 2 points if you kick a "field goal".

Always be alert during this game, because unlike American football there are no nets between the field and the spectators and at any time the ball could come diving your way, so head's up! Sorta like baseball (but even that has a back drop behind the catcher). Regardless, I did it. I saw a Rugby match. I can now check it off my list and move on with my life. The mascot was fun, I think it was an Irish Wolfhound <3

PS. Dad, what were you thinking!?!?!?!

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