Sunday 31 May 2015

Scottish Highlands- Steall Falls

So yer in the Hielinds now aye? Wanting a wee walk are ye? Perhaps you’ve just climbed ‘The Ben’ and want a shorter jaunt…

Try your fate at Steall Falls near Fort William. Listed as the third highest waterfalls in the country, you won’t be disappointed. This stroll is approximately two miles long and has moderate climbs and dips thoroughout the Glen Nevis valley. Unfortunately it is not accessible for wheel or push chairs.
Watch out for the “Wow” moment. You’ll know it when you see it. When you come around the corner the view smacks you right in the face with it’s awesomeness. 
 Unless you’re hiking further past the falls, you’ll need to turn back and go the way you came. Don’t leave without trying out the wire bridge to get to the other side of the falls. *Recommended only for the brave or uber adventurous. * 

Top Tip: Go as early in the morning as you can. Follow the Nevis road ALL THE WAY TO THE END. Yes, I said the end. Ye be warned it’s a dead end, but the car park- I promise- is at the end of the road. The road, like most British roads, is very narrow and you must give way to oncoming cars. So take your time getting back there. There is only one car park at the trail head and it fills up very quick. 

For specific directions on how to get there follow this site: (it’s also a good way to know you’re still on track). walk the highlands

If you decide to embark on this adventure, you will not be disappointed! Now go, take a hike!

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