Tuesday 1 March 2016

Mystical Stone Circle at Arbor Low

Outlander readers will ken the eerie atmosphere sensed from these stones. It makes you feel like Clare traveling back into time after she touches the tallest boulder in the ancient stone circle getting sucked through to another place and time.

 I journeyed to these stones at Arbor Low on a gusty day with the wind howling and whipping between the trees lashing through their branches like the Big Bad Wolf on the little pigs front door. That same spooky wind nearly knocked me over once I reached the stones blowing me down toward the centre of the circle and off the surrounding hill making me almost feel weightless. 

A static charge can be felt through the air which is hair-raisingly shocking as an eerie humming noise comes from the nearby landmark believed to be an ancient burial ground. Somehow it all makes the whole experience seem a wee bit surreal.  

The stone circle is located on a privately owned farm so keep to the paths that lead to the stones. There is a recommended donation for the attraction and limited parking a short trek from the field to the stones. Be sure to put on your weighted wellies before setting off so you don’t blow away!

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