Tuesday 14 February 2017

Valentine’s in Wales

Nothing says I love you like dragging your other half to some of the wettest places on Earth to visit more wet places (waterfalls) and draughty ol’ castles.

Pistyll Rheadr (Tallest single drop waterfalls in Wales) 

“Let’s trek three miles up this mountain to see some waterfalls,” he says. 

“Okaaaay,” she says and off we went. Why would you want to drive up the mountain lane when you can walk after all? Silly cow me legs think after the long, wet wander back down the lane to the parked car. In my head I hear the words of my mother exclaiming, “I do not like outside!” and I smile to myself.

(Side note to those of you who have not yet experienced a ‘lane’ in Great Britain. A lane is sizable enough for one car to drive on whilst hitting any tree branches or hedges that might be sticking out from either side of the country lane. Not big enough for the TWO cars that will be passing each other at any given point around blind corners with people walking alongside yelping and jumping out of the way each time a vehicle flies past. Let’s not get me started on the lorries and farm tractors that like to add to the mix). 

Where was I? Oh yes…Andy thought it would be a good idea to park in the village below (since the sign there said waterfall-but gave no indication it was--three bloody miles away!) instead of turning right like I said when I saw the same sign and driving up the mountain lane to park RIGHT NEXT TO THE FALLS IN THE FALLS CAR PARK. Ahem…right. I’m better now. *coughs* 

For the less adventurous (driving), turn right at the brown Waterfalls sign in the village of Llandern ym Mochnant (don’t blame me, I didn’t name the place) and follow the classic British windy lanes up to the falls trail. 

The trail is rough and rocky and not suitable for wheelchairs or small children. It can be wet and slippery on a snowy or rainy day like this. A bridge crosses the falls trail and has become quite the landmark for brides on their wedding day in photos. (Bet she didn’t hike up the lane in her dress)…

Pistyll Rheadr Waterfalls
Another trail, quite steep, runs along the mossy carpeted forest and climbs to the top of the falls for those feeling brave (and haven’t already climbed 3 miles from the village…ahem! Sorry last time I’ll mention it! No, probably not). 
On the site of the car park is a little restaurant that serves tea and such. Also toilets found inside here as listening to the sounds of the water gushing over the rocks will probably make you have to wee. No? Just me? I MUST be getting old. Back to the goodies. Try the hot cocoa on a cold, snowy day. You won’t regret it. It was the best cuppa cocoa I’ve drunk in years---so creamy!

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