Sunday 11 October 2020

Kidwelly Castle

Ever hear the phrase, “Don’t like the weather? Wait 10 minutes. It’ll change”.

This is true of a small town named Kidwelly and especially true of its castle grounds. The fortress itself was closed to viewing but the gardens and wet lands around it were not. From the time it takes to walk around the front to the rear of the castle it went from sunny skies to dark grey clouds full of wet doom droplets.

What I learned: Nearby the castle there was a great war led by a fierce woman named Gwenllian. She was a princess by marriage and birth. He father was the Prince of Gwynedd in the 12th century. When the English King Henry I died, he had no heir.  England was left in turmoil. Wales sought their opportunity to win back their lands. Whilst her husband was away seeking more aid for the coming war, she led her doomed army against the Anglo Normans. But before losing her head, she had a son who became one of most important Welsh rulers of the times.

Also what I learned: never visit Wales without rain gear.

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