Sunday 4 December 2011

Christmas old English style

Christmas is meant to be a wonderful time of the year. Yet so many do not fully understand the true meaning of the holiday. This makes me want to write the whole holiday off Grinch-style. Better yet, Bah hum bug. After the long afternoon of hustle and bustle fighting holiday crowds for some Xmas shopping (what part of this is supposed to be fun again?),  I come to Greyfriars Church for some true Christmas Spirit.

There is something magical about being in 700 year old church illuminated by hundreds of candles whilst a small choir sings A cappella Christmas carols in Latin. That is just the beginning...

Vineyard Church Band had a rockin' Christmas service with a new fantastic twist on the carols of old and I went to see them perform. Greyfriars church was formed in 1311 A.D. That alone impresses me considering I was raised in a country not more than 240 years old. I'd also like to point out that when a Brit says something was built new, about 60 years ago, I smirk and shake my head. To me, 60 years is twice my lifetime! New, Ha! Puts things in perspective for sure.

So maybe it's not too late for me to rethink Christmas after all...

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