Saturday 12 May 2012

I spy

Did you ever want to be James Bond when you were a kid? And have a cool code name like  007? And have your martini's shaken not stirred? And how about their cool spy toys??? Well now Heathrow international airport is giving you a chance to feel like a secret agent. (Most of you might be more like Austin Powers; I get it).

Upon my return to the UK, I visited customs at the airport. (Okay, so visit is a strong word...not really a visit--because a visit can be optional). Customs is more mandatory-like. (Don't believe me? Try opting out once).

Those of us carrying European Union (EU) passports were sorted out the quickest. You now have the option to have your iris scanned at Customs in order to enter the country much faster through the airport at terminal 5. Not spy- like enough for you? Or just hate having your retina tested? The newest passports also contain a microchip full of your information (height, hair color, sex, etc.) on the back cover. Feeling like the cat or dog at the vet's office yet? Just like them, TSA uses a scanner over the 'chip to "see" what information it contains. No more stamps. They were soooo last year... And whilst we're on that subject (of scanning), did I mention that most all airports now ask you to step up into a cylindrical containment chamber allowing them to scan every inch of your body (using what's close to gamma ray technology) to insure you are "safe and secure".  I mean I'm not that much of a frequent flyer but exactly how many scans will it take before I "HULK" out?? Please don't make me angry, you won't like me when I'm angry...

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