Tuesday 8 May 2012

The Return

I find it rather strange to feel so at "home" so quickly upon my return to England. It's as though I've never left.
Travelling from London across the countryside I spy rolling hills of green pastures speckled with white dots. Across the horizon, the white dots of course once closer, reveal themselves as sheep. Ah, gotta love the sheep. (Mainly because they are everywhere). But it's lambing season and that's exciting too. We drove by as I watched the babies frolic behind their mamas. Ah, good ole' England, not much has changed. Of course there has been an outrage at the post recently. As the Royal mail has increased the cost of the stamp (you should try keeping up with the US of A post office fees...ouch)!

England is an expensive place to live, I bought groceries the other day (and take note) a tin of tuna was 1.29 GBP (or $2.08/can)!!

 The weather is as it is in the rest of the world = warm then cold, verra strange. Oddly, cool for May. Yesterday was cold and rainy (and yes mum I know, "it IS England...blah, blah, blah.." :-p) I'm still adjusting to the measuring units from degrees Celsius to Fahrenheit. For if you tell me it's 11 C outside that means nothing, I was never good at math to begin with and can't convert the temperature to save me life.

I am remembering to look right, then left before crossing the road and soon it will become second nature again. I must admit that I did have trouble in the States when I returned on holiday whilst crossing the street in the small town of Jim Thorpe. (I looked the wrong way first and stepped out into traffic--YIKES)! I remind myself that every day is a new adventure and everyday I get to live, is a day I get to live!

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