Sunday 7 September 2014

Getting Lost in the Gardens

Cornwall ~ Looking for an adventure in an ancient forest? Who wouldn’t want to get lost in a woodland that looks like it has been kissed by fairies? Dinna fash (Don’t fret), you don’t have to travel far. You don’t even have to leave England! Where is this you ask? Why, The Lost Gardens of Heligan in Cornwall of course.

Both the Lost Gardens of Heligan and The Eden Project were developed (or redeveloped as in the case of the lost gardens) by the same man.

The lost gardens have been around before the USA was officially a country, the lady of the house we stayed in told us. Locals had been walking through it for over 200 years, but wasn’t until Sir Timothy Smit reconstructed parts that it became open to the public to stroll around in. (In my opinion, the Lost Gardens were waaaaaay better than Eden and worth the long trip).

The Mud Maid on Woodland Walk

Giant's Head on the Woodland Walk
The fee for the Lost Gardens and much of its history can be found here on the website with its opening hours as they change throughout the year:

100 acres of woodlands, meadows and gardens to see; will take you quite a while to conquer. Plan to spend at least one full day there or more to see everything. Take the Georgian Ride to the Lost Valley...
 and find adventures in places that still look like when dinosaurs roamed the earth...

The Jungle
Happy Adventures in the Lost Gardens!

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