Sunday 7 September 2014

Norfolk, UK

No not in Virginia but rather the United Kingdom- England to be exact. Not far from my birth place is a place called Norfolk. Interesting sorts up that way and sights to see (if you can get the locals to understand your accent and give you directions).

Happisburgh Lighthouse in Happisburgh on the North Norfolk coast is the only independently operated lighthouse in Great Britain. It is also the oldest working lighthouse in East Anglia.
We drove around for ages trying to locate this lighthouse and the shopkeeper took the mickey out of me American accent for mispronouncing the name of it but still figured out what I was looking for because I pointed to it on a map in his shop and surprised him.

Me: We're trying to find HAPPYS - BURGH Lighthouse
Male shopkeeper (raises his eyebrow): You mean HAYS- BROUGH Lighthouse
Me: Um, okay whatever, yeah..this one (points to it on map)
Male shopkeeper (rolls eyes at tourist): Well to get to HAYS-BOUGH  (he over pronounces this for effect I still think he's saying HAYS BRA) is three miles up the road. Good luck (and I'm sure he meant get out of my shop if you're no going to buy this map).
Me: thank ye and good day. (Clicks heels together and leaves shop.)

**This post is dedicated especially to my mum because she loves lighthouses. I hope she appreciates the trouble I've gone to. LOL. Now I understand why my mum had such a difficult time communicating with the northern folks when she and my Da lived here.

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