Saturday 21 March 2015

The “English” language

The English language where did it come from? How did it get so far from where it started? Personally I’ve noticed the Brits mispronounce my name constantly and trying to teach them new “American” vowel sounds is pointless. It’s was frustrating until it became hilarious. English peeps pronounce their ‘aw’s like ‘or’s. So my name, Vawn sounds like Vorn. Shakes head and throws arms up in air.

But the other day I found this mispronunciation hysterical when I asked my British friend where I might be able to get a new phone that won’t cost me both my arms and a leg.

 His reply, “Go to a pawn shop.”

“Excuse me? A what now?” *pauses to let it register…* “Ooooh….right.”

English language lesson # 57: if you pawn something, then the English say you flog it. Not exactly what I thought flogging was…

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