Friday 4 November 2011

Fish pedicure

Ever wanted to be considered bait? Well now here is your chance. If you can stand giggling whilst being tickled by the tiny Garra Rufa fish commonly know as the "doctor fish" a toothless carp eating away at the flesh of your feet, then this is for you. Although it has been banned in the States due to fear of spreading diseases, it is all the rage here in the UK. Is it costly? Yes. Do the fish eat you alive? No. They nibble at the dead skin in and between your toes and on your feet. Hardly what I call a piranha but probably his cousin, still...

I thought I was dreaming until I saw it whilst I was shopping at the mall yesterday. It's a trade stand in the middle of the mall like all those others you find trying to sell you phone covers, sunglasses, dead sea salts or some other smelly oil, lotion, etc. you don't need.

Don't believe me yet?

See it for yourself,


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