Tuesday 15 November 2011

The "throne" of England

Hitting the head, off to the can, taking a trip to the outhouse, skip to the loo, praying to the porcelain god, powdering your nose in the powder room, using the john, latrine (these last two remind me of the jokes from the movie ROBIN HOOD: MEN IN TIGHTS- use to be shit house...), commode, privy, lav or lavatory, restroom, washroom, bathroom, or whatever your name for it might be; all toilets are pretty much the same.

Let me curb your curiosity about English toilets. Writing this only because I've run out of other crap to tell you about. (A ha ha ha...get it? the pun?) Wow these blogs are really going down the....okay, enough with the potty jokes.

One of my first impressions of British toilets when I arrived was the fact that toilet paper is dispensed in small flat sheets like tissues (2-ply) instead of rolls. Understand that it also comes in rolls, but to see it shaped like tissues was a first for me. Also, I do not mean to complain. I'm very thankful they have T.P. here. When I was in Argentina, I learned the veterinary school in the poorer part the country didn't have t.p. and was thought to be a luxury not a necessity. I beg to differ. Regardless I was not about to wipe anything with old newspaper which was offered either.

Second impression, (was yet another public place and people wonder why it is I fear using the ladies' room in public), was amazement. For they charge you to drop your drawers. No lies, it costs some 30p (30 pence/or 40 cents) to enter the lavatory in the train station. But that's all inclusive of hand washing and super hot-burn -the - flesh- off - your - hands- air drying machine as well.

They charge you for the bottle of water to drink and then charge you to "recycle" it. Seriously what has this world come to? If after all of this, you are considering suicide in the bathroom by electrocution,  you can't. Because most bathrooms don't have any outlets in them to plug in a hair dryer or toaster to throw into the tub! It is with that morbid thought I bid you good day.

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