Friday 15 June 2012

Freedom of speech

Today in the news, the council has shut down a young girl's blog because she frequently posted pictures of the horrible and malnutritious school lunches served in the cafeteria. What happened to freedom of speech? I'll tell you're permitted to speak if the government agrees with you, that's what. It wasn't her fault the school serves manky meals and it's not her fault the local newspaper decided to be cheeky, take her idea and run with it on a newspaper headline.

There is still hope for public opinion, the support of this young student from the peers around her caused the council to revoke it's demand for shutting down the blog.

In other food news, Me news, I've decided to try 'Turkish delight' after watching "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe". I am unhappy to report it was not 'delightful'. It tasted like Mr. Clean-lemon scented jelly covered in chocolate. Never again! Blech!

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