Monday 25 June 2012

To walk or ride? That is the question...

Choices, choices....I needed to go into town centre and couldn't decide if I should walk the 20 minutes or take the bus (since it was already at my stop). I picked the lazy way = bus. WRONG DECISION. Of course, I picked the verra front seat to admire the view. We made it half way to town during rush hour traffic only to have a car pull out into our bus lane. The bus driver quickly swerved up onto the curb just barely missed hitting a pedestrian walking innocently by. The car did graze the bus but the innocent bystander was unharmed. I,  lucky me, got to witness the entire scene...(dumb car!!!) and had to give the police a statement. The ambulance, who was sitting in the rush hour traffic, suddenly pulled over into the bus lane to make sure no one was hurt. I'm not really sure at this point if it's safer to walk or ride in the UK. Such excitement!

PS. Having thought about it, if I had been walking to town I'd probably been near to that sidewalk the bus driver drove up onto. So cheers for taking the bus after all.

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