Saturday 29 October 2011

Blind leading the blinder

Every day is a new adventure. Today's enterprise begins with a stroll through marshy fields, damp, wet and slippery forest trails. Which then open up into more soaking wet fields and my tennis shoes are suffering from the autumn cold. This trip is a surprise--> where again are we going??? Stopping for a bit of scenery in the small village of Sulham, I think my acquaintance has just about had all he can take of "Miss Susie Sunshine", but no.

We change course from fields (thank goodness, because he has just dragged me through a pasture of cows after telling me a man was trudge upon by those very cows in this VERY field. Excellent!) to a busy road. I'm now calling this the Road of Death. Best described as a lane, English roads are very narrow; barely what I call two lanes. Now imagine a car passing you at 40 mph when the vehicle has to move over toward you because a bigger truck is coming down the other lane. Sheesh! Lanes of Death they are. I'm most certain I willna ever drive in this country. After much praying I don't yet die like a bug mushed on the windshield of passing cars, we arrive in Pangbourne. This be the tiny little village in which we stop at a chip shop then have a  look at some English cheese in another shop. Did I mention the angry cows on this journey yet??!?!? *sigh*

Part 2 of this mystery day, boarding a train to where??? Oxford. I found out only because the train was 30 minutes late and I had to look around to entertain myself somehow while waiting. 30 minutes later.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ah, here comes the train (LOVE public transport). Board towards Oxford (take a short nap after this excursion and survival of the cows-of-wrath). Did I mention at this point in the story, it's now four o'clock and I'm starving because all I've had were tea and cakes since this morning? Grrrrr.....So we feed Vawn before she gets any less pleasant (which I know is hard for y'all to comprehend..haha).

Oxford at last! All and all the train ride through the country side was a very beautiful one (even if I was starved and forced to walk 5 miles in mud- Miss Susie Sunshine again). We ate at a pub called The Crown. Nice place, lots of college kids. Well then, Oxford is known for being the best University's in the world. This town makes me miss State College and my own university days. I did get to see Christ Church and part of the  university before dark. There is plenty of architecture to see in Oxford. I walked through old cobble stone streets and past movie sets where they have done a taping of Indiana Jones 4 where Indy and Mutt ride a motorcycle through the green lawn.

Next we go to prison. Aha! Okay, okay, it WAS a prison back in the day. Today it's been remodelled into a hotel and bar. Nicely done I might add. I confess I had to sneak a peak at the guest rooms. All the doors and windows are still covered in bars and what once was a cell is now a fancy room for guests to rest their heads upon and catch a few winks. Back to the bar then out into the night. College kids are bustling up and down the streets and it's a busy Friday night. I am now dragged to a cake shop for hot cocoa (which I'm sure will blend well with the Singapore slings, I've sucked down). Then this auld lady hops and train and heads back home for bed. PS. More fun at the train station includes getting lost, getting on the wrong train and sneaking out of the train station. What??!?! Don't blame me. I was just along for the ride...

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