Sunday 30 October 2011

English electrical outlets

Today's new lesson is one on beauty. I refrained from bringing my own hot curling iron along because I knew the electrical cord would short circuit because English circuits run on 220 volts whilst American runs on 110 volts, not to mention that the outlets themselves are very foreign.

But I did feel the need to curl my hair today, which is a REAL project because of just how much sits upon my head. :) I borrowed my friend's (English) curling iron today. I learned that irons run on gas so basically it's like a lighter (one of those long ones). You push the ignition button and turn on the curling iron and gas lights the inside of the iron which makes the iron hot and you use the curling iron like normal. It's rather clever. The bizzare-ness of this episode was when I curled my hair close to the scalp and I could here the gas hiss. Well at least I didn't blow up the curling iron and my pretty little head is still attached. :) :) :)

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