Monday 24 October 2011

The Queen gets mooned

Hello all,

Time to bore you all with yet another dull tale of things Vawn is learning whilst in her "homeland". Today I fancied a trip to the grocery store in order to purchase ingredients necessary to bake pumpkin roll. (since a few of my American friends have made me jealous by making one said dessert and teasing. I won't name any names. Don't worry Brianne or Matt, I won't tell them all it was you two)...

Anyone who knows me, knows that I loathe shopping. ALL sorts of shopping, but I find shopping for groceries the most vile of all shopping. So off I go to find American ingredients in a foreign store. After what seemed be an eternity of wandering about the market, I give up on pumpkin, powdered sugar and baking soda and take the long defeated walk back to the house. An idea then sparks in my head. What a moron I have been. This grocery store allows you to shop from your home online and then delivers your groceries to your door. DOH!  Why did I not think of this sooner? (Don't answer that.)

Apparently, pumpkin is not common here in England. So I never did find canned pumpkin (or as they say here, pumpkin in a tin). This idea is quite odd to the English as is baking soda. After stomping through several grocery stores (stomping refers to the way in which my friend is tagging along with me- he's thrilled to chase around baking ingredients I'm sure ** sarcasm at it's best) I located cream of tar tar and bicarbonate soda (blending the two should create baking soda...we shall see). The little old lady in the baking aisle wasn't sure what to tell me but wished me luck as I asked her what the equivalency of baking soda was to the English. Then left looking at me like I had grown a third head. I really do LOVE the English, honestly.

Oh, and I might mention this other tool they use to shop here. It's kinda like the honour system. At the front of the store you pick up a hand held scanner and scan all the items you put into your basket, buggy, shopping cart, trolley ...what ever the devil you call it; and then at the check out counter, you pay for the items on this scanner thingy. I should try it one day although, I find it much easier to just pre-order and have my groceries shipped to the door. WHAT?!?! Don't look at me like that, you do know that I send my laundry out as well...

In other news day...the Queen was mooned by a man while visiting Australia. Perhaps he was just giving her a welcome "down under" style?

PS. I never did find canned pumpkin, BUT did luck out being this time of the year, the stores are selling pumpkins to children for Halloween, so I made my mate cart two of these home and then mutilate it into mash. :P

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