Thursday 20 October 2011

Baking in the UK

Today's adventure is in baking. Today is my mate's birthday. I am going to attempt my first cake in the UK. Firstly, I've decided to get a Betty crocker premix (no sense in REALLY trying my baking skillz). Baby steps.....

So off I go in the morning down the lane. It's about a 20 minute stroll to the grocery store and England is great for walking. I pass a little cottage through a small forest and green pastures with horses roaming about. No cares in the world for these beasts (and the little cottage along the way has a black fence with a sign that actually reads "THE LITTLE COTTAGE". No lies). Ahhhh...fresh air (well there are horses about, so y'all know what kind of "fresh air" I'm selling here) but none the less, it's a beautiful day for meandering. A bicyclist whizzes by me and I'm still a bit taken aback by the queerness of road traffic. It's all so backwards to me; driving in the left lane. HA! (Let's leave off the roundabouts for another time shall we?)

Into the grocery store I go, pick up a few items for the cake and return home via (which I pronounce "VEEAH" and the Brits look at me funny and reply "VIIIIAH", so strange) the same small lane with horses cantering by. 

*Aside note: they don't keep their eggs refrigerated over here. They are neither sold in coolers nor stored in the fridge* 

So the baking attempt: I'm using a foreign oven with symbols instead of numbers. A picture of what appears to be a flame, a flame with a fan? and something that looks like waves above the flame. Here goes, I hope I don't burn the place down :/ I'm baking with ingredients in odd (metric)  measurements and temperature converted into degrees Celsius. YIKES! After eight minutes or maybe more...(i prefer to not to tell you exactly HOW long it took me to figure out how to light an English oven- for fear you might expect I'm a idiot) I've got it set to 180 degree C. Imagine my surprise when 23 minutes later the cakes are nice and fluffy. Wahoo! I'll count this one a success. I'd gloat more but the cake is now cooled and I've got frosting to do. 

(Just incase you think I make this stuff up, here's the cake box....)


and Wa Lah!

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