Tuesday 25 October 2011

Visit with the Queen

After a bus ride and two or three trains (I can't remember exactly how many); I arrive in Windsor. Touring Windsor Castle which is home to Queen Elizabeth II. No I didn't sit down and have tea with the Queen (maybe next time) but I did learn some things whilst I was there. Firstly, the castle had caught fire and was severely burned in the 1990s. Obviously now rebuilt and open to the public for touring. The castle was built after the Norman invasion by William the conqueror. I could bore you to death with more details but instead I would just recommend seeing it for yourself if you're ever in England.

The castle is composed of many buildings. The upper ward (which houses the state rooms and the Queen's doll house- a must see), middle ward ( houses the round tower)  and lower ward (where you find the magnificent St. George's Chapel). Unfortunately no photography permitted in those areas. But atlas don't forget the gardens and moats; a sight to see as well.

Changing of the guards. Are they allowed to smile? No. Not blink, not move except to march in place. You will see this on even days at Windsor Castle and on odd days in London at Buckingham Palace. Buckingham Palace was opened to the public on certain days in order to pay for the restoration of Windsor Castle since the devastating fire.

Stay and have dinner in Windsor.  Visit the Thames River and gander on the geese (haha, I like that pun). The town itself has some pretty cool history to it and great places to eat. There are some neat little side walk cafes for dining. My favorite little pub is a Wetherspoons just below the castle. But for the less adventurous there is a McDonalds as well ;-)

Til next time ~

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